4 Insulin-Resistant Drinks and What to Replace Them

There are four beverages that might cause insulin resistance and weight gain, and here is what you should replace them with.
The beverages that we consume on a daily basis, which include anything from water and tea to sugary drinks and alcohol, have a crucial impact in our diet. Even though many beverages are helpful and hydrating, there are several that might have a harmful affect on one’s health, especially when drank in excessive amounts. Added sugars, which are found in abundance in these high-calorie and sugary drinks, have the potential to cause a surge in blood sugar levels. There is a correlation between the intake of these on a regular basis and insulin resistance, as well as weight gain.

We spoke with Krutika Nanavati, a registered dietitian, nutritionist, and medical advisor at Clinicspots; Jesse Feder, a dietitian and certified personal trainer; and Shana Abraham, a personal trainer certified by the National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM) and a nutrition coach certified by Precision Nutrition, in order to gain knowledge about four beverages that have the potential to rise your blood sugar levels, cause insulin resistance, and cause you to gain weight. They discovered that beverages such as soda, fruit juice, commercial smoothies, and coffee drinks with a high calorie content are the ones that customers should avoid.

Fruit Juice

According to Nanavati, “Fruit juices contain surprisingly high amounts of fructose, which is a type of sugar found in fruits. This sugar will cause your insulin levels to spike and will absorb into your bloodstream very quickly.” Additionally, store-bought goods typically have additional sugars and other substances that make them even less healthful than their natural equivalents. This is because store-bought brands are manufactured in factories.

The marketing of fruit juices has been done in such a way that they seem to be healthier than other commercial beverages. You should not be misled, however, since these beverages include a large number of secret substances that, if consumed in excessive amounts, may lead to a variety of problems. It is more prudent to consume just fresh fruits, or you could even manufacture your own fruit juices at home in order to avoid the additional calories and substances that are included in juices purchased from stores.

High-Calorie Coffee Drinks

Coffee beverages that are high in calories and have additional sugars, such as sweet lattes and flavored concoctions, might unknowingly contribute to weight gain and a sluggish metabolism. This is because these beverages contain an excessive amount of calories overall. Even though coffee is a beverage that is low in calories, the addition of extras such as syrups, whipped cream, and sweet flavorings may rapidly transform a drink that seems to be devoid of calories into a delight that is loaded with calories. In order to keep the glucose levels in your bloodstream under control, your body will need to create more insulin when you ingest an excessive amount of sugar. It is possible that your cells may grow less receptive to insulin over time as a result of this persistent demand for insulin, which will ultimately lead to insulin resistance.

Coffee beverages that include an excessive amount of sugars, syrups, and whipped cream are considered to be sources of empty calories, according to Abraham. Keeping your morning beverage low in calories and supporting weight reduction may be accomplished by selecting black coffee or adding a splash of unsweetened milk to your cup of coffee.


Hearing that soda is detrimental to your health is no longer something that comes as a surprise. According to certain reports, some sodas contain many components that have been related to the development of cancer. It is highly recommended that you reevaluate your usage of this beverage, and Nanavati can provide more explanation on this matter. In addition to having a high concentration of added sugars and carbs, soda also has the ability to create an instant spike in blood glucose levels and, if drank in excessive quantities, may lead to fast weight gain. There are forty grams of sugar in a typical 12-ounce can of soda, which is equivalent to ten teaspoons of sugar when measured out.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to imagine consuming ten teaspoons of sugar, this is the effect that drinking soda may have on your weight and blood sugar levels. The natural flavoring of sparkling water, which may be achieved by adding slices of fresh fruit or herbs, provides a pleasant and bubbly option that does not include any additional sweets.

Commercial Smoothies

The nutritional content of many commercially available smoothies, particularly those sold in cafes and supermarkets, may be compromised due to the presence of excessive concentrations of sugars, syrups, or fruit juices that have been sweetened during the production process. In spite of the fact that smoothies may provide a speedy and delicious method of consuming fruits and vegetables, it is essential to be aware of the components that go into making them.

There are a lot of commercial smoothies that are loaded with added sweets, and it’s possible that liquid calories aren’t as fulfilling as fluid calories. Abraham says that making smoothies at home with entire fruits and veggies is a great way to guarantee that you have a healthy and low-calorie choice readily available.

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